Half from Tuscany, half from Sicily, Rachele Maya Lombardo studied Architecture in Florence and Paris. After the graduation, she worked between Italy, France and Spain, working for some of the most interesting contemporary art realities. Her love for art pushed her to create her own project which is completely a result of her passion for art and architecture over the years.
Her artworks aim to be a link between art, research, architecture and philosophy, trying to investigate the boarders between these different topics, which therefore appear open and always changing in terms of artistic approach. In her work, the concept of evolution is not considered as a consumer society result, which requests us to change in order to deconstruct somehow our identity, but, at the opposite, as a result of a personal and intimate research which strives at enhancing our individuality and identity, never forgetting to be part of a unique reality.

Rachele Maya Lombardo artworks are particularly focused on her intimate approach and research about oriental/arab art and culture, the Art Déco style in the architecture and design fields during the 1920s and the 1930s, as well as the French movement Fauvisme. She mixes different techniques, such as the digital drawing, the collage, the oil painting, proving a strong interest in matching colours, drawing landscapes and creating personal compositions. Her artistic attitude moves from her deep interest in the phenomenological approach led by the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty and therefore investigates the role of human perceptions in defining the reality we all live in.